Fourteen contestants from age 9 to age 60 bashed, splashed, and smashed frozen T-shirts on Saturday, August 1st until they were able to open the folds and put them on. A good thing it was a hot day, because those shirts were COLD! The contest was one of the summer events put on by the Pillsbury Free Library. There were grand prizes for the first three winners, and smaller prizes for everyone on the team whose members ALL finished before the other team was finished. The other team's members received Gel pens. Participants left with smiles and enthusiasm for returning next year to try again!

The library wishes to thank the N.H. Telephone Museum for the use of their lovely warm and indestructible parking area, and WingDoodle, Rowe Mountain Fair Trade Store and Mount Kearsarge Indian Museum for donating prizes for this and other events, including the continuing Library Trivia and "Reading Bingo" Activities.