Friday, February 12, 2010

Kearsarge Happenings: "Fifteen Minutes of Fame"

As a recovering freelance illustrator, I have to admit that seeing two
magazines next to each other on the newstand - each with an article
and art by me... Ohmigosh - I don't have the words to describe the
feeling!!! I hope this isn't all of my 15-minutes of fame, because I'd
really like to do some more articles.
Anyone who hasn't seen it yet, should run out and get a copy of the
Nov/Dec issue of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine! (Available at

My article, called "Add Pattern to Journals with Zentangles and
Transfers," is on page 80! It really is exciting to see your art in
print. This is why I originally became an illustrator. Also, I have an
article on pages 54-57 of the Winter 2009 "STUDIOS" Magazine! My
two studios are "featured studios" which means I get more pages. The
article has pictures of my Zentangle cabinet - in progress, and my
tangled bathroom floor. Still, there were a lot of photos left out.
Probably doesn't matter except that I described areas and spaces that
have no accompanying pictures. So I have uploaded a ton of other
photos and views and added my comments. Visit my website: Click to enter the studio, then click on
"Gallery" and "Studio Pics". If you can read quickly, and would rather
see it as a slideshow, go to the same link, but click the "Play
Slideshow" link.
I really love showing my studios. The rooms themselves are like
artworks to me. And my whole reason for creating is to share or show
what I make. It must be another one of those ironic curses. I'm an
extreme introvert and I crave long blocks of time alone to make stuff
and I'm awful at multi-tasking (and baby-sitting!). And yet, without
the human interactions and deadlines... I have no reason to make
anything. A magazine deadline is a GREAT reason to make stuff!!

And my other news: My "AlphaTangle" book - It is finally done! I
actually completed all the alphabet letters by the end of the summer.
But it took me longer to do all the scanning, clean-up, layout and
printing stuff. But, the important thing is, I DID do it. Yeah! I get
a very weird feeling of satisfaction at holding a little stack of
these books and thinking "Mine!" But now, the really hard part... I
need to get them out of my hands and into Zentangle, and
potential-Zentangle, enthusiasts' hands.  If you would like a copy (or
two - they're small!), the books cost $9.99 plus $1.60 for s/h. You
can buy one from my etsy store (Bumblebat) or you can buy one at

Here is the official description:
"AlphaTangle - A Truly Tangled Alphabet" is an adorably teeny (4"
square) book of alphabet letters created from Zentangle patterns. All
the official Zentangle tangle/patterns have names and I have created
each letter from the patterns starting with those same letters. The
original art was drawn with a Micron pen and shaded with pencil. I
designed and laid out the book and it was printed by Brayshaws, a
local printing company. I hope it provides inspiration for fellow
Zentanglers.  I am happy to sign your copy!

Sandy Steen Bartholomew
BEEZ ink Studio
PO Box 359
Warner, NH 03278




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