Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Annual Holiday Shopping Gala

Warner’s Annual Holiday Shopping Gala 
will be held on  
December 13 
from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 
with special events and shopping opportunities 
in the beautiful Town center. 

The day promises to be a merry one with food, music, artisans, storytelling, model trains and the annual holiday Farmer's Market. You will be sure to find those special gifts, and food for the holidays, while enjoying spending a day with your family.

Peruse the Farmer's Market at Warner Town Hall, artisans’ booths at the Upton Chandler House Museum, for unique gifts ideas. Pop into various shops along Main Street offering a wide selection of items, at MainStreet BookEnds, The BeeHive Studio, Green Tree Boutique, The NH Telephone Museum, The Foothills Country Treasures & Store, and the Upton Chandler House Museum).

Restaurants will be open throughout the day offering coffee, baked goods, pizza and hearty soups and sandwiches.

Events and activities include a story time at the Pillsbury Free Library at 10:30 am, caroling at MainStreet BookEnds at 11:30 am, and at 1 pm The Kearsarge Conservatory of the Performing Arts will be performing The Gingerbread Man in Town Hall amongst the community-decorated trees. Following that performance, there will be an opportunity for photos with Santa Claus at about 2 pm

Complete your day with a piano concert followed by refreshments of hot cider and hot cocoa with holiday cookies then Holiday Caroling and a reading of The Night before Christmas in Town Hall. Bring the kids in their pajamas for music and stories before putting them into bed!

Detailed schedule at kearsargechamber.org.


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