Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 30 - Men's Club Meeting

Fishing in New Hampshire
presentation by 
expert Fishing Guide and Fly Fisherman
Angus Bozeman 
Warner Men's Club
Monday, March 30, 6-9pm

Topics to be covered include New Hampshire fishing in general; the upper Connecticut River as an International Trout destination; fly fishing basics and fly fishing schools; and the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire.

The Men's Club's meeting will take place Monday, March 30th, in the lower level of the Warner Town Hall beginning at 6pm with a social hour, followed by dinner and our speaker, ending at 9pm.

The Warner Men's Club invites all males over the age of 21 to attend our February meeting as our guest. Please reserve on or before Friday, March 27th by contacting any of the Warner Men's Club officers or directors, or by emailing us at: [email protected]

For more information, our website is http://warnermensclub.org

Angus Bozeman has been guiding and fly fishing in New Hampshire, the Northeast, and Canada for close to 40 years.  He instructs at the Fly Fishing School at Tall Timber Lodge in Pittsburg, NH--where he is reputed to be on a first name basis with all the Trout in the area.

Angus is on the Board of Directors of the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire. He is active in Trout Unlimited and the New Hampshire Guides' Association. Angus gives fly fishing lectures and fly tying classes around New England in the off season.  You may catch a video of him here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYotZ6jGSNM  


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