Monday, March 27, 2017

Warner Cartoonist Kickstarts Her MFA

After two successful Kickstarter campaigns to fund her Masters in Applied Cartooning at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, VT - local illustrator Sandy Steen Bartholomew is using crowd-sourcing to print her comics thesis.

Her thesis project is a series of auto-bio comic "magazines". The first issue - completed, funded, and printed last week - features calendar comics with one comic a day from August 2016 through February 2017.

The second part of the project is in the finishing stages now - with only a day left on the Kickstarter campaign!

These three issues each have mini-comics inserted in them. All the comics are being printed by R.C. Brayshaw's (in Warner and West Lebanon), in a limited edition of 60 copies each.

To back Sandy's Kickstarter campaign, visit this link:
or click the image below.



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